
Just a few photos from our last week at home together:

Aiden has reflux so we have to keep him at an angle after he eats. He loves to curl up in a ball so it didn’ take him long to curl into this position after I laid him down

Extra snuggling, extra kisses, and lots of just sitting and holding him this week!

Owen’s true love

Owen LOVES horses and got an opportunity to see some up close and personal last weekend. I didn’t get any good pictures of him with the horses but I did manage to get this picture of him riding this plastic horse which he LOVED! Definitely gave me an idea for his upcoming birthday!

Aiden – 1 month

Aiden you’re 1 month old! What you’re up to these days:
– sleeping – you’re starting to stay awake for longer stretches and love to just look around and give your brother crazy looks. At night you were sleeping 3-4 hours at a time but in the past few days you’ve started having lots of trouble with acid reflux so you’re not sleeping so well anymore.
– eating – you’re starving ALL the time and with your troubles gaining weight we’ve been supplementing with formula 1-2 times a day and you take 2-4 oz via bottle and nurse the rest of the time.
– You weighed 7 lbs 10 oz about a week ago when we went for a weight check. You are wearing newborn sized clothes and diapers but are starting to wear some 0-3 month clothes. You have a long torso and short legs just like your brother. Your dark hair has thinned out some but I’m holding onto hope that it won’t all fall out. We are almost 100% certain that your eyes are going to be blue like Owen’s and that makes me so happy!
– personality-wise you are very laid back and tolerant of everything that Owen wants to do with you and to you! Noise doesn’t seem to bother you and you just like to look around and take it all in. You’ve been to church for the last two weeks and done great. You are very sweet and we all love and adore you!

I’m gonna miss this….

It seems like just yesterday that we were bringing him home from he hospital and in the blink of an eye he’s become such a big boy. So, when I’m up all night with a crying baby or listening to a whining two year old and my nerves are shot I’ve got to keep it in perspective and realize that the days can be long but the years are short.

On another note, I know I’m biased but isn’t he the cutest two year old you’ve ever seen?!?

Owen @ 2 1/2

I want to take a minute to document all the fun things Owen is doing at this age since apparently I stink at keeping up with the baby book. I’m such a stellar parent that Aiden doesn’t even have a baby book yet! Here are Owen’s current stats:
weight: a whopping 35 pounds!
height: not sure about this one but he seems to be average for his age
He’s built like a linebacker with very broad shoulders and is as strong as an ox!

He’s doing great in daycare and has learned so much. We are thankful for Ms. Lois and Ms. Latrelle and the ministry at Wee Care….he loves his wowis and twelle!

Owen knows his colors, shapes, letters, and numbers. He can spell his name orally (can’t write it yet) and can recognize it when he sees it written. He knows tons of songs and LOVES to sing. We’re really looking forward to him being old enough to go to children’s choir this fall. His imagination is really flourishing and it’s so fun to watch the games he makes up. He loves animals and loves to pretend to be different animals (usually a dog, horse, cow, or sheep). He is really into watching movies these days and his current favorites are: Over the Hedge, Up, The Bee Movie, and Ice Age.

He’s very loving and sweet but is starting to develop a manipulative side….case in point: he has started telling us to close our eyes so he can do something he’s not supposed to do. He’s 100% B-O-Y and definitely keeps us on our toes but we wouldn’t trade these moments for anything in the world!

Pictures coming soon of Owen’s imagination at work!

Family Pictures

A good friend and coworker gifted us with a photo session for a baby gift. She came to our house on Friday and got some great shots of the family….here are some of my favorites:

typical Owen…pretending to be a dog!

Thanks Crystal! We love the pictures and had a great time!


**There are 8 new blog posts so you will have to click on “older posts” at the bottom of the page to view the last 2**

We decided to all be brave and venture out with all the kiddos for mom’s birthday. All in all it was a successful trip to Joe’s for great Italian food. Here’s a shot of Reed and Aiden relaxing while we waited for our food. There was a good 20 minutes where at least one kid was crying at all times but we survived!


It’s easy to forget just how much time newborns spend sleeping and it definitely seemed as if Aiden slept 24/7 (except for waking up every 2-3 hours starving!). This week he’s definitely spent more time awake and checking out the world. It’s amazing how different he already looks after just a few weeks!

It’s fun to watch how different Aiden’s personality already seems from Owen’s and his different likes/dislikes. Owen loved being naked and couldn’t stand blankets, socks, or footed sleepers. Aiden on the other hand HATES being cold. He screams and screams every time we have to change his clothes or diaper and heaven forbid we give him a bath. He loves socks and footed sleepers and snuggly blankets. Owen was very strong from day one and always seemed like he was ready to get up and run. Aiden is very laid back and just looks around like he’s taking it all in. Nothing seems to faze him….not even when his brother is centimeters away from his face talking in a high pitched baby voice…LOL!