Valentines Day



Valentines Day was a whirlwind with both kids having parties at school that required valentines, teacher gifts, and decorated boxes. Owen made an alligator box that was fun to make.


Aiden made a monster that we made at t


I made these for Aiden’s class. This is the idea I found online but not the picture of the final product. Apparently I didn’t take a picture of Owen’s either. We attached a pencil to a card that said “you’re just WRITE valentine”. These were so easy and we’ll definitely be doing that again.

We gave the boys a small treat bag with snacks, silly bands, pencils, and PEZ. Aiden is still carrying the empty PEZ dispensers around because he thinks theyre



Owen had a fun party in his class and then we jetted over to the preschool for Aiden’s party.




Aiden had a fun party that included a visit from the mailman who taught them about mailing valentines and they got to check out the mail truck.

It was a fun day!

Under construction

This is the kind of mess Chris gets me into with all of his handyman stuff.

Our house is for sale and we had replaced all of the outdated appliances in the kitchen already with the exception of the stove. To make our house more sellable we knew we needed to replace the stove. The only problem was that our original stove was a drop in which is the most expensive and often hard to find of the types. We wanted to replace it with a slide in but in order to do that we would have to cut our granite countertops to remove the strip that ran behind our old stove. Instead of paying an expert to cut our expensive countertop Chris thought he could do it himself. It was the messiest and loudest learning experience but after a lot of praying (from me) and perseverance (from Chris) it was finished! I’m still cleaning granite dust our of cracks and crevices!


The finished product turned out nice!


100th day of school






This is a catch up post. About a month ago Owen celebrated the 100th day if school with a day full of fun and activities. All of the kids dressed up in their fanciest attire and thru had a big pep rally with all the teachers wearing vintage prom dresses and the teachers did several cute skits counting to 100. The kids sang songs and did cute chants about being 100 days smarter. It was a fun day!




Evan enjoyed playtime with his cousin Dylan yesterday. Dylan let us borrow his activity mat since ours bit the dust. Evan really seems to enjoy laying under the toys and looking at everything. They had fun together!

Evan – 2 months


It’s hard to believe its already time for the 2 month post (I’m even almost 2 weeks late). Our sweet Evan is 2 months old! Here’s what he’s up to:
– weighs 14 lbs! (95th percentile!)
– 24 inches long (50th percentile)
– wearing size 0-3 and some 3-6 month clothes and a size 2 diaper
– takes 6 oz every 3 hours (even at night)
– wakes frequently throughout the night to nurse (none of our kids have been good sleepers so no surprise here)
-still having tummy trouble frequently which makes for a very fussy baby
– smiles in response to familiar people (especially Aiden)
– he loves to swing and still dislikes laying flat or being on his tummy


Evan is one very well loved little boy!