

Aiden and Evan at 3 months of age. They definitely don’t look alike. It’s odd to me to look back at Aiden at this age because he looks so much like Owen now but definitely didn’t favor him then.


Owen and Evan at the same age. They look a lot alike to me. Looking at their pictures makes me notice how square their heads are and wonder how I ended up with such big headed babies!

It will be interesting to see how Evan changes as he grows!

Evan – 3 months


I’ve come to terms with the fact that these posts are going to be a month behind. I just can’t keep up. So here it goes.

At 3 months Evan is:
Wearing 3-6 month clothes
Size 2 diaper
Takes 6 oz every 3-4 hours
Still primarily nursing with 1-2 formula bottles a day
Sleeps fairly well but due to laziness on both our parts he tends to nonstop nurse all night and our cosleeping has become habitual (3 kids under 6 and working full time….don’t judge)
He is smiling and laughing all the time now. He tends to laugh at the weirdest things (the fan, a/c vents, someone walking by, etc).
He loves laying on his playmat and has started swinging his arms around and batting at the toys.
Still has no definite schedule with no clearly defined nap times. He tends to catnap during the day and occasionally takes a longer nap. He just goes with the flow and is a happy guy unless he’s hungry or wet. This lack of schedule has not been a problem yet so we’re just going with the flow.





Our Week


My funny guys


Owen started soccer this year and is loving it. He gets to run, run, run and we’re all loving how easily he’s going to sleep every night!


So handsome!


The tooth fairy made her first visit to our house Thursday night. Owen was so excited!


Friday was Character Day at Owen’s school. He went as Pete the Cat Rocking In My School Shoes. They had a great pep rally and had such a fun day!


That’s Owen’s teacher in the pink. She was Pinkalicious and had made 244 pink cupcakes that his class delivered to each classroom in the school. She is pretty amazing and he’s had such a great year in her room.


Someone was happy to have Casual Friday!


I tried putting Evan in his crib for naptime today and that went over well for about 30 minutes. He was NOT happy when he woke up and realized he wasn’t in one of his usual spots.

We had a great week and its shaping up to be a nice weekend. One more week of school and then Spring Break!

Christmas in March


Owen was being a little too quiet in the toy room and this is what I found. He was pretending to be Santa and had gathered all his stuffed animals to be the reindeer. You never know what this kid will come up with!