Fall Photo Dump Part 2

As promised, photo dump Part 2!  Hang in there, lots of pictures to follow.

We’ll start with Halloween.  Owen was a policeman and Aiden was a prisoner this year.  They were too cute!

We had a great time hitting up all of the trunk or treats at the churches and then hit up the carnival at a local church.

Aiden is such a goofball.  This picture just cracks me up!



I made “Pumpkin Poop” for Aiden’s class party.  It was the easiest and most cost effective treat to make for a preschool with nearly 40 kids in the two classes combined.

Aiden had a fun party at his school.

The kids participated in the election at each of their schools.  Too bad their votes didn’t count!


Another birthday party!  This time for Aiden’s other buddy Knox.  I caught him taking a break with his BFF at the party and thought they were too funny. 

A day of parties and playing outside led to this little boy being pooped!

Owen had a Parent Day and Thanksgiving feast at his school.  We got to participate with them in their class activities and then go to their feast in the cafeteria.  It was lots of fun.

An Indian with an identity crisis (notice the pilgrim hat).  Ha ha!

Painting with my two buddies!

We put up our tree over the weekend since we have a busy week/weekend ahead of us.  The boys were very into the decorating this year.

Such a helper!

And now we’re all caught up!  We have a fun week/weekend planned with Thanksgiving with the family, Black Friday shopping, and final baby preparations.  Only 17 days til Evan arrives!







Fall Photo Dump Part 1


In an effort to catch up, this is the first in a series of photo dumps I’ll be doing to get the blog up to date.  Hang in there, lots of pictures to follow!  These first ones are from Crazy Hair night at AWANA.  The picture below is Aiden with his BFF Aidan.  They are best buds and too funny!




The fire department visited Aiden’s preschool and he got to go on a ride on the top of the truck.





We went to the Dixie Maze in North Louisiana and the kids had a blast!





Puzzle time with daddy



Aiden went to his first football game and really enjoyed it.  He wasn’t sure about the game and was worried about “those boys pushing each other” but he was a big fan of peanuts and a sprite.



Birthday parties galore!  This party was for Aiden’s BFF.




…..and then this happened.





A solid week later he still looked pitiful.  His face finally went back to normal but bless his heart he’s the most accident prone kid I know so this won’t be the last major incident I’m sure.



We had our Sunday School class fall party.  The kids had fun roasting hot dogs on the fire and we went on a hayride.



Chris carved a pumpkin with the boys for the first time and they loved it.  They just weren’t so sure about touching the inside.





Owen had his class Halloween party at school.






He won an award for the pumpkin decorating contest.





That’s his black cat pumpkin at the top!

Stay tuned.  Photo dump Part 2 coming soon!