Top Ten Things I Love About Our New House/Neighborhood:

#1: there’s a dirt pile between our house and the next door neighboor that all the kids play in every day. Owen has jumped right in on the fun and thinks he’s as big as they are. He has a certain laugh that we only hear when he’s truly happy and we’ve heard it a lot this past week. I wouldn’t trade that giggle for anything in the world!

look what I can do!

Owen got a big boy bike from Santa this past Christmas and he was a little too short to ride it at the time. He’s been trying to ride it for several weeks now and with a little help from the neighborhood kids he figured it out this week. He was so excited and started yelling “I’m doing it!” Now he wants to ride his bike 24/7 and go everywhere the neighborhood kids go on their bikes. Such a big boy!

Brotherly Love: Part 2

I’m enjoying these days of hugs and kisses because I know it won’t be long before they’re fighting each other! I especially love the look on Aiden’s face in the first one….that says it all!


After putting our house on the market last summer and watching it sit there with very little activity, we took it off right before Aiden was born so that we could get settled with him before trying again. In January, we decided to list it again sort of spur of the moment and were shocked when it sold in 3 days! The house we had tried to buy before was no longer available and things fell into place for us to buy this house that wasn’t even listed. 6 long weeks of waiting to close and then 21 days of waiting for the previous owner to move and we finally got to move in! We’re all unpacked and starting to get settled. Owen has made friends with the neighborhood kids and Chris already has home improvement projects started. Emma loves it here because she can just roam free outside and has a lot more space to explore. We are so blessed to have this opportunity and are enjoying our new space!

Aiden -3 Months

You are 3 months old! It’s hard to believe you’re already this old…seems like just yesterday we were bringing you home from the hospital. These pictures are typical Aiden….he doesn’t get too worked up about anything. I’m not sure about his height, weight, etc. since we don’t go back to the doctor until 4 months. I know he weighs at least 11 pounds. Here are the rest of the 3 month stats:
clothes: size 0-3 months
shoes: size 0
diapers: size 1
feeding: 6 oz bottles every 3-4 hours….even at night…*sigh*
started sleeping in your crib this week and doing great….just wish you’d sleep longer than 3-4 hours at a time

You love to kick and squeal and have even giggled once or twice. You have decided taking a bath won’t kill you and I’m so glad because all of that screaming was really stressing your brother out. We love our little chunky monkey and are enjoying watching you grow and change!