Fall Festival

There was a Fall Festival on the Square last Saturday with a big slide and a costume contest. We went and had a great time.

Aiden was in the costume contest and while I thought he was the cutest lion around….we lost out to a very cute lobster.

Owen enjoyed the big slide

Aiden enjoyed watching Owen play

We’ve been having unseasonably warm weather here lately with temperatures in the upper 80s. Aiden enjoyed kicking off his costume and stripping down to a onesie. Only in the Deep South can you dress like this at a fall festival!

Making Memories

Owen is getting to the age that he remembers things and people and so we see evidence of that in the way he plays. We had a great time at our Sunday School party and the next day we realized Owen’s favorite part was the hayride……..

…he pretended to take toys on a hayride all day 🙂

Fall Fun

Our Sunday School class had a fall get together last weekend. We met at the Watson’s house and the kids wore their costumes and we roasted hot dogs and marshmallows by a fire. The kids played and decorated pumpkins and everyone went on a hayride to finish the night. We had such a good time.

Owen is Spiderman

Everyone gathered by the pond roasting hot dogs and marshmallows.

picnic time!

pumpkins waiting to be decorated

the little babies hanging out on the porch

It was a fun night spent with great friends!

Owen "John Deere" Green

We went out last weekend to visit Josh and Missy to see their new puppy. While we were there Owen got to check out their tractors. He was in heaven!

After I put my camera up, Josh took Owen for a ride around the yard in the big tractor. Owen got to turn the wheel and had a blast. Missy also took him for a ride on the rhino. Now he’s even more convinced that we should move to a farm and have horses and tractors.
Maybe that will be our next move?

Aiden – 9 months


I uploaded these pictures of Aiden last weekend and scheduled them to post later in the week after his well baby visit with the intention of going back and adding his latest stats. Of course, the week got crazy and I forgot about it. So, I’m taking the opportunity to add Aiden’s latest stats to the photos this weekend. Better late than never!

Aiden – You’re 9 Months Old!

You’re full of life and personality these days. You’re crawling faster and faster and getting braver and more curious which has kept us very busy. You like to crawl around the house until you’ve seen what each one of us is doing before you decide who you’ll stay next to. You’re trying to pull up on the furniture but can only get up to your knees so far. I just know in the next few weeks that you’ll start pulling up to stand. You love to stand up and hold onto the couch or our hands. You’re growing WAY too fast!

You’re still the most easygoing and laid back little man I know. You balance out our family well. You take a lot off your brother and usually take it in stride but when you do get your feelings hurt…look out! You throw yourself face down onto the floor and cry big crocodile tears as if your life was over. It’s pretty funny to watch! You love your brother and always want to be a part of what he’s doing…whether he wants you to or not!
You love taking baths and being outside. You had a great well baby checkup this past week. Here’s your latest stats:
weight: 22 lbs 12 oz
height: 29 inches
sleeping: you’ve slept much better this past week (thank you Jesus!). You like wearing footed pajamas and laying down with your stuffed puppy and puppy blanket with your music turned on
eating: you eat everything in sight! you eat 1 jar of baby food for breakfast and then 2 for lunch and 2 for dinner. You cry after you finish your baby food at dinner as if you’re still starving so we’ve gotten in the bad habit of giving you some puffs or wagon wheels to munch on so that we can eat our dinner
development: you’re starting to wave a little and clap your hands…too cute!

You’re definitely a mama’s boy and don’t want me to leave the room you’re in….ever! You usually follow me around crying a little until I stop and pick you up. I’m definitely getting an upper body workout carrying you around while I do things around the house.

You always wake up so happy in the morning and just excited about life. We love you Aiden and look forward to watching you continue to grow!


Our local university hosted a rodeo this weekend and since Owen loves all things cowboy we just knew that we had to go! Owen loved every second of it and found his calling as a rodeo cheerleader. He would yell out “come on cowboy! you can do it!”, “good job”, “get it! hurry! get it cowboy!”. If the cowboy (or cowgirl) walked close enough to where we were sitting on their way back to the gate, he would yell out “good job!” to them. He was so funny!

me watching the action…Aiden flirting with the lady next to us

When we left Owen talked the whole way back to the car about how he wanted a brown horse that went really really fast. He said he would name it Connor and be a cowboy with a hat! I think he’s hooked!

Brotherly Love

Our church is having baby dedication next Sunday so we needed a current solo shot of Aiden to turn in for the slide show. I attempted to take some pictures this afternoon but Owen insisted on being in the pictures too. It made for a pretty interesting photo shoot!

Ahhh…brotherly love!


My nephew came over to play this afternoon. Owen was still asleep in the dining room so he and Aiden had a great time playing in the playroom together.

I think these are their innocent faces 🙂

reading a book with Nonnie

sweet Aiden

These boys are only 3 months apart and I see lots of trouble making in their futures!