

Baseball season is here again. Owen is in his second year of tball. It’s amazing how much better all the kids are compared to last year. He is playing for Evonik Foams and has a great coach. Chris is helping with the team and they’ve had a great time.


Of course the little boys needed coordinating outfits to wear to cheer on their big brother.



Evan – saga of the rice cereal



Poor Evan. He’s mucho grande and showing all the signs of being ready to eat but his poor tummy is not on board. When he turned 4 months old we started rice cereal. He gobbled it up like a pro but 30 minutes later he was screaming in pain and continued to scream for hours. This happened every time we tried no matter what time of day, what consistency, what kind, or what amount. Add in terrible constipation and its become a hot mess. He is now coming up on 6 months old and still can’t tolerate the cereal or anything else for that matter. To be continued….

Easter part 2

Evan was not impressed with the egg hunt.

The boys each got a new bible, coloring book, and a little candy. Evan got a pack of bibs and spoons since he was coming up on 4 months and being able to eat cereal.





We had a great day together celebrating our risen Savior!

Easter part 1


Aiden all ready for his school Easter party. They decorate hats and have a parade and egg hunt. He was pretty pumped.


Listening to Amanda tell the Easter story with Resurrection Eggs at our Sunday School get together.




Easter egg hunt. Part 2 coming u next!

Evan – 4 months


It’s been a wild few months and I am so far behind on the blog. Our house is for sale, end of the year activities, tball, swim team, work, etc has just about snowed me under. There are 4 more days of school and then we will have a chance to breathe. I am finding that it is very difficult to have 3 little kids and work full time while giving the kids everything they need and keeping the house running. If summer break wasn’t around the corner I might be on the verge of a breakdown. Sweet Evan is along for the ride. He is growing too fast!





At 4 months Evan weighs 17 lbs. He discovered his feet and has mastered the art of rolling from his belly to his back. He is so happy all the time and is such a joy! He’s still a terrible sleeper but we’re managing. He is still nursing primarily (high five to me) and we attempted to introduce rice cereal but it tore up his stomach so we discontinued that after several tries. He is wearing some 3-6 month clothes but mostly 6 month and wears a size 3 diaper. He loves his brothers and likes to play with his ball. He drools constantly and chews on his hands so I think its safe to say we’re entering the teething phase.

We sure do love our sweet Evan!